Flowjo compensation matrix negative values
Flowjo compensation matrix negative values

flowjo compensation matrix negative values

If you didn’t add keywords at the beginning of your experiment, don’t despair. Finally, the bottom right has a chart of the median of each parameter over time, which is useful for identifying if there were major issues in the acquisition, but more on that later. In the upper right is a list of the parameters, including the voltage that each parameter was run at. This can be very useful for sorting and analyzing the data later on. This way you are assured the correct keywords are carried forward.

flowjo compensation matrix negative values

In fact it is highly encouraged to be adding keywords when setting up the file acquisition on the instrument. Any custom defined keywords will also appear here. To the left is a list of all the keywords that are in the file, from the instrument the data was acquired on to who acquired it and more. The output from this action is shown in figure 2. This information is only a right-click away in FJX.įigure 1: Accessing FCS header information in FJX The header information of the FCS file contains a great deal of information that is very useful to review and extract when performing quality control or troubleshooting. This article will focus on the power of FlowJoX (FJX) and provide some tips and tricks to improve the researchers’ analysis. These keywords are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to performing advanced analytics. These include define keywords that are added to the file automatically, as well as terms that can be defined by the user. The header file contains what are termed ‘keywords’. The FCS standard divides the file into two components, the listmode file that contains the sequential data from all the detectors.

Flowjo compensation matrix negative values software#

Since the creation of the FCS standard, flow cytometrists have had the ability to analyze data in third party software because of the community’s agreement on the standard. Primary data analysis, that is the analysis at the sample or tube level, is where the populations of interest are identified and the necessary data is extracted for secondary analysis.

Flowjo compensation matrix negative values